Retest with "killer" params
Raw display of $_GET:
$_REQUEST ($_GET, $_POST and possibly $_COOKIE): array (
'dest' => '',
$_GET: array (
'dest' => 'new value of $_GET["dest"]',
'newval' => 'added within a function',
$_GET has been changed but the same field in $_REQUEST is unchanged.
$_POST: array (
$_COOKIE: array (
$_SERVER: array (
'PATH' => '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin',
'PP_CUSTOM_PHP_INI' => '/var/www/vhosts/system/',
'PP_CUSTOM_PHP_CGI_INDEX' => 'plesk-php56-fastcgi',
'SCRIPT_NAME' => '/test/showenv.php',
'REQUEST_URI' => '/test/showenv.php?',
'REMOTE_PORT' => '48322',
'SCRIPT_FILENAME' => '/var/www/vhosts/',
'SERVER_ADMIN' => 'root@localhost',
'CONTEXT_DOCUMENT_ROOT' => '/var/www/vhosts/',
'REQUEST_SCHEME' => 'https',
'DOCUMENT_ROOT' => '/var/www/vhosts/',
'REMOTE_ADDR' => '',
'SERVER_PORT' => '443',
'SERVER_ADDR' => '',
'SERVER_NAME' => '',
'SERVER_SOFTWARE' => 'Apache',
'HTTP_CONNECTION' => 'close',
'HTTP_HOST' => '',
'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING' => 'br,gzip',
'HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE' => 'Sun, 23 Jun 2024 01:34:10 GMT',
'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE' => 'en-US,en;q=0.5',
'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',
'HTTP_USER_AGENT' => 'CCBot/2.0 (',
'SSL_TLS_SNI' => '',
'HTTPS' => 'on',
'PERL5LIB' => '/usr/share/awstats/lib:/usr/share/awstats/plugins',
'SCRIPT_URI' => '',
'SCRIPT_URL' => '/test/showenv.php',
'UNIQUE_ID' => 'Z1HR1Vyu4bU2evNuEaqS9QAAAAY',
'PHP_SELF' => '/test/showenv.php',
'REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT' => 1733415381.9691081,
'REQUEST_TIME' => 1733415381,
'SCRIPT_DIR' => '',
'HTTP_WINVER' => false,
SCRIPT_DIR and HTTP_WINVER are non-standard and have been added by photinc.php
getcwd(): matches $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']'/var/www/vhosts/'
$_ENV: array (
$_FILES: array (
apache_request_headers(): array (
'Connection' => 'close',
'Host' => '',
'Accept-Encoding' => 'br,gzip',
'If-Modified-Since' => 'Sun, 23 Jun 2024 01:34:10 GMT',
'Accept-Language' => 'en-US,en;q=0.5',
'Accept' => 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',
'User-Agent' => 'CCBot/2.0 (',
getdate(): Array
[seconds] => 21
[minutes] => 16
[hours] => 16
[mday] => 5
[wday] => 4
[mon] => 12
[year] => 2024
[yday] => 339
[weekday] => Thursday
[month] => December
[0] => 1733415381
http_response_code(): 200
pathinfo(__FILE__): array (
'dirname' => '/var/www/vhosts/',
'basename' => 'shownvi.php',
'extension' => 'php',
'filename' => 'shownvi',
posix_getpwuid(): for /var/www/vhosts/ (
'name' => 'admin145042',
'passwd' => 'x',
'uid' => 10062,
'gid' => 1003,
'gecos' => '',
'dir' => '/var/www/vhosts/',
'shell' => '/bin/false',
stat(__FILE__):array (
0 => 2050,
1 => 3236646781,
2 => 33188,
3 => 1,
4 => 10062,
5 => 1003,
6 => 0,
7 => 9074,
8 => 1733402415,
9 => 1692615546,
10 => 1692615558,
11 => 4096,
12 => 24,
'dev' => 2050,
'ino' => 3236646781,
'mode' => 33188,
'nlink' => 1,
'uid' => 10062,
'gid' => 1003,
'rdev' => 0,
'size' => 9074,
'atime' => 1733402415,
'mtime' => 1692615546,
'ctime' => 1692615558,
'blksize' => 4096,
'blocks' => 24,
Window data:
get_headers(): add gh=1 to command line to use get_headers() or gh=2 to use http_get(). Warning may be very slow!
php.ini: /var/www/vhosts/system/ does not exist
phpversion(): 5.6.40
This box is specified as 50 em wide
$_REQUEST[em2px]=16. So this box is specified as 50*16=800 pixels wide
2020 May 09 12:54:48 - /var/www/vhosts/ = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']
2023 Aug 21 10:59:06 - /var/www/vhosts/ = __FILE__